Exploit-ID adalah Indone­sian Exploit Archive yang mem­pun­yai tujuan untuk berbagi ten­tang hal kea­manan di bidang jaringan dan kom­puter. Awal berdiri Exploi-ID meru­pakan keti­dak­sen­ga­jaan founder per­tama yang mem­pun­yai cita-cita untuk mem­buat sebuah archive exploit. Dari ide terse­but terny­ata men­da­pat respon posi­tif dari beber­apa senior hacker di Indone­sia, sehingga dapat ter­ben­tuk­lah team untuk meng­garap Exploit-ID. Semoga Exploit-ID dapat men­jadi solusi arsip exploit yang berguna :D
Exploit-ID is the Indonesian Exploit Archive which has the objective to share about security in the area of network and computer. Initial stand Exploi-ID is the founder of the first accident that has aspirations to create an archive exploit. From that idea has received positive responses from some senior hackers in Indonesia, so as to forming a team to work on the Exploit-ID. Hopefully Exploit-ID can be a useful solution for the exploits archive :D
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